TS SDK Migration Guide
If you are coming from an earlier version 1.x.x
of aptos
, you will need to make the following updates.
In this guide we only mention the API differences and updates you would need to do and excluding new features implementation
Install the SDK​
The TypeScript SDK V2 is under a new GitHub repo and with a new package name - @aptos-labs/ts-sdk
- pnpm
- npm
- yarn
- bun
pnpm i @aptos-labs/ts-sdk
npm i @aptos-labs/ts-sdk
yarn add @aptos-labs/ts-sdk
bun i @aptos-labs/ts-sdk
SDK usage and query the Aptos chain​
Remove all <*>Client
modules (i.e AptosClient
, FaucetClient
, CoinClient
, etc.) and replace with an Aptos
entry point class
const faucetClient = new FaucetClient(NODE_URL, FAUCET_URL);
const aptosClient = new AptosClient(NODE_URL);
const indexerClient = new IndexerClient(INDEXER_URL);
const tokenClient = new TokenClient(aptosClient);
Read more about it here
const aptos = new Aptos();
// make queries
const fund = await aptos.fundAccount({ accountAddress: "0x123", amount: 100 });
const modules = await aptos.getAccountModules({ accountAddress: "0x123" });
const tokens = await aptos.getAccountOwnedTokens({ accountAddress: "0x123" });
Configuration class​
Introduce AptosConfig
class that holds the config information for the SDK. Once define it we can pass and use it with the Aptos
const aptosConfig = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.TESTNET }); // default to devnet
const aptos = new Aptos(config);
Transaction Builder Flow​
Removed all separate transaction functions in favor of a more simplified and friendlier transaction builder flow
const aptosClient = new AptosClient(NODE_URL);
// bcs serialized arguments payload
const entryFunctionPayload =
new TxnBuilderTypes.TransactionPayloadEntryFunction(
// generate a raw transaction
const transaction = await client.generateRawTransaction(
// non-serialized arguments payload
const payload: Gen.TransactionPayload = {
type: "entry_function_payload",
function: "0x1::aptos_account::transfer",
type_arguments: [],
arguments: [account2.address().hex(), 100000],
// generate a raw transaction
const transaction = await client.generateTransaction(
// sign transaction
const signedTransaction = AptosClient.generateBCSTransaction(
// submit transaction
const txn = await client.submitSignedBCSTransaction(signedTransaction);
Read more about it here
const aptos = new Aptos();
// non-serialized arguments transaction
const transaction = await aptos.build.transaction({
sender: alice.accountAddress,
data: {
function: "0x1::coin::transfer",
typeArguments: ["0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"],
functionArguments: [bobAddress, 100],
// bcs serialized arguments transaction
const transaction = await aptos.build.transaction({
sender: alice.accountAddress,
data: {
function: "0x1::coin::transfer",
typeArguments: [parseTypeTag("0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin")],
functionArguments: [bobAddress, new U64(100)],
// sign transaction
const senderAuthenticator = aptos.sign.transaction({
signer: alice,
// submit transaction
const committedTransaction = await aptos.submit.transaction({
Rename AptosAccount
to Account
and use static methods to generate / derive an account
// generate a new account (or key pair) OR derive from private key OR derive from private key and address
const account = new AptosAccount(); // supports only Legacy Ed25519
// derive account from derivation path
const account = AptosAccount.fromDerivePath(..)
Read more about it here
// generate a new account (or key pair)
const account = Account.generate(); // defaults to Legacy Ed25519
const account = Account.generate({ scheme: SigningSchemeInput.Secp256k1 }); // Single Sender Secp256k1
const account = Account.generate({
scheme: SigningSchemeInput.Ed25519,
legacy: false,
}); // Single Sender Ed25519
// derive account from private key
const account = Account.fromPrivateKey({ privateKey });
// derive account from private key and address
const account = Account.fromPrivateKeyAndAddress({
address: accountAddress,
// derive account from derivation path
const account = Account.fromDerivationPath({
scheme: SigningSchemeInput.Ed25519,